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Song - Quiz 15

Autorenbild: Schnurps RedaktionSchnurps Redaktion

Aktualisiert: 27. März 2020

In this hostility

Without blood, man

"Unfortunately, I'm ready

Thousands real

The slope

What to do?

I want it over his face

well done

And what did he do?

and what is your mind at the grave?

In this world map

hands unknown

The slope

What to do?

I want it over his face

well done

And what did he do?

I was very pleased with what they did

But then

What happens is it does evil,

Today it is over

As I grew up, I knew he was forgiving the Lord.

I want it over his face

well done

And what did he do?

What to do?

(Now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now)

What are you doing?

(Evening After Hot Memory)

(I do not know)

von Anna-Leonie Walber, MSS 12

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Schülerzeitung des Eichendorff Gymnasiums
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