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Song - Quiz 7

Autorenbild: Schnurps RedaktionSchnurps Redaktion

Aktualisiert: 9. Dez. 2019

You are accused, they connected with friends,

Good and pass it loose

Based on a little annoyance

Oh, I don't understand swear words

Hi, so they

Hi, so they

Hi, so they

Hi there

If the lights are very dangerous.

Here we are today and they were not having fun

I feel stupid and contagious

Here we are today and they were not having fun

Mulat like, Albino mosquitoes.


Is worse than me

The gift makes me feel good

Our group was not always there.

And always, until the end of the time

Hi, so they

Hi, so they

Hi, so they

Hi there

If the lights are very dangerous.

Here we are today and they were not having fun

I feel stupid and contagious

Here we are today and they were not having fun

Mulat like, Albino mosquitoes.


Forgotten repression

Oh yeah, I guess I'm not kidding

Hard to find

That is not an idol to someone,

Hi, so they

Hi, so they

Hi, so they

Hi there

If the lights are very dangerous.

Here we are today and they were not having fun

I feel stupid and contagious

Here we are today and they were not having fun

Mulat like, Albino mosquitoes.

Rejection: Abolish, Abolish, Abolish, Abolish

Rejection: Cancel, Cancel, Cancel.

von Anna-Leonie, MSS 12

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Schülerzeitung des Eichendorff Gymnasiums
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