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Song- Quiz 8

Autorenbild: Schnurps RedaktionSchnurps Redaktion

At night, he sleeps

I see you recognize yourself

How do I know this is not always the case

even longer

The difference between us and

And if they do the job

They are everywhere

I think

Open the door again

With that in the liver

But in my heart, I won't leave it there

Now we can

Because of his life

And so we leave it on the road

Love you liked

I want to have the same power,

Every time in my life I move

They are everywhere

I think

Open the door again

With that in the liver

But in my heart, I won't leave it there

there is nothing to fear here

I know that will always be the case

Always with no

No harm in my heart

1 collectibles

von Anna-Leonie Walber, MSS 12

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Schülerzeitung des Eichendorff Gymnasiums
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