down, down, they walk like marionettes
possessed by some evil spirit
a dead man walking
they have lost themselves
these uncanny sounds
they tumble
they are losing their footing
we scream
close they are to the final day
the time of truth is nearing
we the spectators watching
as injustice is enforced
the voices getting louder
trying to run from their fate
oh subtle knowledge of what is to come
the last day has arisen
there they hang like puppets
the life is gone
the eyes are empty
it is what had to be done
those little pretty lies they tell
the ravens listen anyway
lies and truth seem to be the same,
as no one knows what kind of game they play
this little story ends right here
what have you felt
what did you hear?
thy little heart shall not be tainted
thy innocence shall not fear
von Anonymus